Expression of Wish
Nominate who you would wish to receive any lump sum paid from the Scheme if you were to die. For active, deferred and pensioner members who have retired within the past five years.
You can do this online at Pension self-service.
Dependant nomination form
If you’re not married but wish to nominate someone who is financially dependent or interdependent on you to receive the dependants’ pension if you were to die.
Please download the form, complete it, and upload it to your record at Pension self-service.
AVC application form
Use this form to start paying MPAVCs or to change the amount of MPAVCs you wish to pay.
AVC switch form
Use this form if you want to change the funds in which your MPAVC are invested.
Internal Disputes Stage 1 application form
Please read the Internal Disputes Resolution Procedure Explanatory Note before completing this form.
Electrical Industries Charity Lottery
National Grid Application Form – Available for retired members of section A and B who left service after 1 April 2007.