Your dependant(s) may be entitled to receive benefits from the Scheme in the event of your death. This might include a lump sum (only if you die within five years of retiring from the Scheme), a dependant’s pension, children’s pensions, and a bereavement grant.
You can nominate who you wish to receive the tax-free lump sum death benefit by quickly and easily updating your nomination details online at Pension self-service. Online services will be available from mid-June and we’ll write to you then with instructions on how to register.
If you’re not married, you can nominate someone who is financially dependent or interdependent on you to receive the dependant’s pension. This can be done quickly and easily online at Clarity from BW.
In both cases, this will update your records immediately.
You can log in and review or change your nominations at any time. If you’re unable to go online, you can complete paper forms, which are available to download from the Forms page.