The latest issue of the annual Scheme newsletter, Pensions Update, was posted out recently. If you are registered online, a copy is now available to download at BWebstream.
Please click here to logon to your BWebstream account. Once logged on, please go to Your documents-> Scheme in the menu item list on the right-hand side of the screen.
Here you’ll find a copy of the latest newsletter for your section.
If you’re a member of Section B, there’s also a letter from the Trustees explaining the proposed plans following the recent change to Section B’s sponsoring employer.
Please read the letter for awareness. The process is in the early stages and the Trustees will write to you again in the autumn with an update. In the meantime, there’s a news article and Q&A available from the Documents page of this website.
This information is specifically for Section B members. The planned changes to Section B don’t impact Section A or apply to Section A members.